New Flexi-Work Guidelines Welcomed, But Will They Shift Employer Mindsets?


3 min read

Source: TODAY
Article Date: 18 April 2024

Younger workers see the new Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests as a positive step toward achieving better work-life balance. The guidelines require employers to establish a formal process for handling such requests, reflecting a structured approach to accommodating employees' needs.

However, opinions are mixed about the guidelines' effectiveness in shifting some employers' attitudes toward flexible work. Younger workers believe that beyond work-from-home optio ns, employers should also consider other flexible arrangements. Human resource experts suggest that clearly communicating the benefits of flexible work can improve employees' chances of having their requests granted.

Quoting the article " New flexi-work guidelines a good start, but unclear if they would shift some employers' mindsets, say younger workers" penned by Renald Loh, TODAY:

" Believing that these hours spent on commuting could have been used more productively, the 26-year-old decided to raise the idea of working a few days from home to her boss at the time.

Instead of getting some attention to the matter from her then-employer, Ms Melissa's request was quickly dismissed, and her ex-boss poured salt on the wound by chiding her for proposing something so “ridiculous”.

In a similar scenario this year, Mr Tang, a 27-year-old communications professional who wanted to be known only by his surname, was accused of wanting to skive after he asked his former employer to allow him to work from home occasionally so that he could take care of a new pet that he adopted.

These acrimonious scenarios might have been avoided if the upcoming Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, which compels employers to set up processes allowing their employees to formally request such arrangements, existed at the time, both Ms Melissa and Mr Tang said.

Having such proper channels might even have convinced them to stay with their former companies, they added. "

This article excerpt highlights the challenges faced by employees like Ms. Melissa and Mr. Tang when requesting flexible work arrangements. Both encountered dismissive and negative reactions from their employers, underscoring a lack of understanding and openness to flexible work options. Melissa's request to work from home was quickly dismissed, with her boss deeming the idea "ridiculous," while Tang was accused of wanting to skive off work when he asked to occasionally work from home to care for a new pet.

The upcoming Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests aim to address such issues by requiring employers to establish formal processes for handling these requests. Both Melissa and Tang believe that having proper channels for such discussions might have led to more constructive outcomes and could have even convinced them to remain with their former employers. These guidelines are a step towards fostering a more accommodating and understanding work environment, potentially preventing such acrimonious situations in the future.

Source: New flexi-work guidelines a good start, but unclear if they would shift some employers' mindsets, say younger workers

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